Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The problem with welfare (it's not political)

For many years, I've thought of the exhortations of the Bible to care for widows an orphans (Exodus 22:22, James 1:27, among others) as rather antiquated. After all, we don't live in a male dominated society any more. We have government welfare programs - and I pay taxes, so I am helping widows and orphans, right?

Two recent events, both in one week, have drastically changed my outlook.

The death of my beloved grandfather and the birth of my beloved son came just four days apart. In one long week I learned that although welfare and other service can provide for the material needs of both widows and orphans, these materials needs are not their primary needs. Their primary needs are spiritual and emotional. These are needs that government cannot, will not, and should not provide. These are needs that people must provide, and as Christians we are called to be those people.


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